About Us

The Solar Panel Cleaning Company was founded by veterans of the Residential/Commercial PV industry that identified the need for a solar-specific cleaning and maintenance solution for the residential market.

“Some of the most common questions I’d get while out on the field were: how often do I have to clean my system and who do I call?” says Matthew A., owner of The Solar Panel Cleaning Company and a former PV Salesman. “I knew the answer to the first part of the question but at the end of the day, there wasn’t a company out there that was tailored to solar and I wanted to change that.”

The rest, as they say, is history.

The Solar Panel Cleaning Company is now Southern California’s #1 choice for solar system cleaning and maintenance. Our techs are trained and certified photovoltaic experts with over 20 years of combined experience in PV, Roofing, Construction and Electrical work. We are ready to help you keep your system optimized!

Ready to Clean Those Panels?

Call us TODAY! 818-724-SPCC (7722)